
Nothing brings me more pleasure than a teetering pile of books. Stacked against every wall, on the steps leading upstairs, next to and eventually under the bed. In my arms, a dozen books held still with my chin, as I leave the library or the bookstore. Stacked and sliding on the back seat of my car. This pleasure has only been matched by a lifelong dream to add my own work to the piles.

But life drifts and swerves. I ended up in the Peace Corps, medical school, a geriatrics fellowship. I raised two beautiful children alongside pets, chickens, gardens. Now I am a physician specializing in the frail elderly in rural New Hampshire, a career I have loved for its attention to communication, comfort, and reflection. Throughout, I never stopped putting words to paper and managed to find homes for much of my work over the years. I am thrilled to gather those pieces here and to share my forthcoming work.

My writing has appeared widely, including pieces in Poetry, Prairie Schooner, Tupelo Quarterly, Massachusetts Review, Hunger Mountain, Gettysburg Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Denver Quarterly, as well as being featured on Verse Daily and Poetry Daily. My first chapbook, Tunnel, will appear in fall 2023 from Finishing Line Press.

I am also a certificate candidate in the Narrative Medicine program at Columbia University, bringing together my interests in medicine and language. And I teach home-based geriatric care to students at Dartmouth Medical School.

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